Coastal Youth Media

As Loud As I Want: "Wrong" by Jayonna


Welcome to As Loud As I Want, a podcast that reflects the experiences of young women in rural Columbus County, North Carolina through the COVID-19 pandemic. We use spoken word and sound to share what we've been feeling, seeing and hearing in our communities. This podcast was created by a series of workshops where we learned about poetry and the arts of sound.  In this episode, Jayonna of Bolton, NC shares her piece, "Wrong."

This workshop and podcast is funded in part by a grant from South Arts in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts, with additional support from North Carolina Local News Lab and the Working Narratives Production and Education Fund. Learn more about our work and other audio productions at

Produced by Coastal Youth Media, Community CPR, and Jayonna. Hosted by Indya Barfield.

It was Friday the 13th,
March 13th, 2020.
I didn't know life would change.
They told us we would be out of school
For two weeks.
At first, I thought it would be a good break.
Little did I know things would
Change so fast.
I was in seventh grade,
And I didn't think coronavirus
Would be that big of a deal.
I was wrong.

Actually, I liked the idea
Of us being out of school.
I thought I wouldn't be doing any work,
And I could chill.
I was wrong.

My gma had me up the first Monday
Chopping grass.
It was so itchy.
That was wrong.

I had to do packets of schoolwork.
They thought I'd be doing the work packet.
They were wrong.

Then they had us to pick up our Chromebooks
And told us to be online by 8 a.m.
Me and my friends thought it would be easier
Doing schoolwork at home.
We were wrong.

Finally, I got out for summer.
I thought I would be enjoying
A break from school.
I was wrong.

My gma.
She had other ideas.
That first week we were back in the garden.
Picking corn in that itchy grass.
That was wrong,

August came, and
I thought I'd be back in school.
I thought I would be able to experience
All that was eighth grade.
I was wrong.

They put me in theater arts.
We just watched videos.
If people think that is a good way to learn, t
They are wrong.

I did get to practice with the cheer team.
I finally got to do something
I actually wanted to do.
That felt right.

we didn't get to cheer at any ball game,
And I didn't get to experience eighth grade formal.
That was wrong.

It is now a Wednesday in May,
May 26, 2021.
Nope, I had no idea
How much life would change.
They said it would be two weeks,
But it's been a whole year and two months.
Things that changed so fast
Became things that changed for so long.
I was wrong.

Unsilenced by Ketsa
Separation by ANBR

Ambiences - Vol 1 - Large Gym, Few People, Reverberant by Julien Matthey
Zoom Doorbell Sound Effect by JedSpielberg
Theatre Arts - Terms & Concepts by Richard Schnider
NC Schools to remain closed for rest of year
NC schools closed as new coronavirus case in Wake County reported

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